Would you like to sponsor one of these services for the remaining dogs? Here is the cost of each service at Brownsburg Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic, where our dogs go for vetting:
Vaccines: $30/dog
Nail Trim: $7/dog
Microchip: $25/dog
Heartworm testing: $20/dog
Spay/Neuter: $35 – $85 depending on size/gender
Cone: $7.00 a dog
After surgery pain medication $12.00 a dog
Pre-operation blood work (if necessary): $75
If you would like to help, you can make a PayPal donation to SpeedwayAnimalRescue@gmail.com, send a check payable to Speedway Animal Rescue, or make an over-the-phone credit card donation. If you have any questions about making a donation or how these funds are used, please contact me at anna.weber413@gmail.com
Please click below to make your tax deductible donation to Speedway Animal Rescue: